
Mobile app to find the right-sized clothing based on your preferences.

What did you set out to achieve with this project?
To create an app that provides users with personalized sizing recommendations. Users can browse styles from their favorite brands and be given accurate sizing suggestions tailored to their preferences and/or needs.

What was challenges did you have designing this?
Designing for trust is always tricky, especially when it comes to clothing. Figuring that out and acting as a bridge between retailers and consumers was definitely a challenge when it came to app flow.

What are the next steps?
Personalized styling recommendations and C2C marketplace capability for renting and selling unused clothing. Providing these features will allow for a better in-app experience, and I hope the data we would collect would help validate these decisions.




UX Designer


3 months

Tools Used

Illustrator, Invision

The Problem

The idea came from an issue we each saw every time we bought clothes online. It seemed more often than not the ease of online shopping was overshadowed by the challenge of finding the right size. It’s hard to know what fits best when there is so much variation in sizing across different brands. People could choose to estimate their size, and then deal with returning clothes if they do not fit. Or, people could spend hours in fitting room. But who really wants to be spending their time doing that?

A Solution

Fitted aims to give you the confidence in finding the right-sized clothes with accurate body measurements in order to provide you with personalized sizing recommendations. Users can browse styles from their favorite brands and be given accurate sizing suggestions tailored to their preferences and/or needs.

Poor organization of space & limited guidance led to confused users, which led to low retention rate and a lacking experience.

Our Process

This IA diagram outlines the different sections a user can take through the Fitted experience:

Browse products based on either brand recommendations by the app or explore current fashion trends. Promotes discoverability and aimed to maintain user attention.

Liked Products
The Liked Products section allows users to look back at items they were interested in, but perhaps did not intend to purchase at the moment they discovered it.

Specific browsing for items based on brand or design type (shirts, pants, etc.). Includes navigation into Product View, which provides users with information on the selected item such as personalized fitting style and user reviews.

Shopping Cart
As with any app that provides an e-commerce experience, a shopping cart is available for users to keep track of to-be purchased items. IA follows that of a standard online-shopping format.

Body preference settings are found here. Users can edit these preferences based on their needs and the app will respond accordingly, i.e. automatically filter results to be within user sizing parameters.

Design Details

Fitted provides personalized recommendations across all products. For each product view, the user gets an indication of how well the item is going to fit on their body (based on the preferences they provide).

Sizing Recommendations
Each item the user views will have a percentage that informs them of how accurate the fit will be based on their size. The option can be changed, giving users freedom and flexibility to choose how well the item should fit them. Reviews also further inform users because we understand the importance of having constant feedback from real-world experiences.

Customizing Body Preferences
This is the bread and butter of Fitted. Users have the freedom to adjust their body profile based on their own preferences. Whether users want an overall tighter fit in the clothes they buy, or only in the torso length, they have the ability to indicate that and Fitted will filter and tailor their results accordingly.


This project was a great opportunity to get more experience in product design. I've had a lot of exposure within the realm of user experience design, but being able to take into account additional stakeholders beyond the end-user was definitely a challenge.

I learned quickly how often a design decision can pivot in the scope of try to scale and work within a business model. Design easily extends beyond user interaction and it is our job as designers be aware of that.

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